Place names in the Alpujarra and their origin and meaning

The prefix "Al-" in Spanish place names comes from the Arabic definite article "al-" (ال) meaning "the." This linguistic influence is a direct result of the centuries-long Moorish presence in the Iberian Peninsula (711-1492 CE). You can see this in many Spanish place names, particularly in southern Spain (Andalusia), such as:

A sufi muslim Muslim walking through an orange grove in Orgiva. In the background you see the snowy peak of Mulhacen.

There is a sufi muslim community in Orgiva. In the background you see Mulhacen, the highest mountain on the Iberian peninsula, named after Abu'l-Hasan Ali ibn Sa'd, the penultimate Muslim ruler of Granada. Muley being derived from Arabic “mawlāy” (مولاي ) which means “my lord”.

- Alcázar, from al-qasr, meaning "the castle/palace"

- Alhambra, from al-hamra, meaning "the red one"

- Almería, from al-miraya, meaning "the watchtower"

- Algeciras, from al-jazeera, meaning "the island"

The name "Alpujarra" (or "Las Alpujarras") comes from Arabic "al-busherat" meaning "the grassland" or "the pastures." Some scholars alternatively suggest it derives from "al-bugscharra" meaning "the mountain of pastures" or from "al-basharrat" meaning "the land of disputes/battles." Although this last theory is less widely accepted.

The name reflects the region's historical importance for livestock grazing, particularly during the Moorish period, when the high mountain pastures were vital for summer grazing. This pastoral economy continued to be significant even after the Christian conquest and we know that the shepherd family in our village still travels with their flock to the higher pastures in summer. “Grassland” or “pastures” therefore make more sence to me as etymological origin.

What's fascinating about the place names in the Alpujarra is how they reflect the multiple eras of settlement - from pre-Roman through Roman, Visigothic, and Moorish periods. Some names are purely Spanish (like the Haza names), others are Latin, and many are Arabic. The mix of Latin and Arabic origins shows how the region was a cultural crossroads, with each civilization leaving its linguistic mark on the landscape.

Alpujarran village names with Arab origins

Here is a list of place names in the Alpujarra, starting with the ones with clear Arab origin:

  • Alfornón - This appears to derive from the Arabic "al-furn" meaning "the oven" or "the furnace." The suffix "-ón" is likely a Spanish augmentative.

  • Albuñol - This comes from the Arabic "al-buniyyul" or "al-binyol," which is believed to mean "the little building" or "the little construction." Some sources suggest it might also relate to "viñedo" (vineyard), but the building etymology seems more widely accepted.

  • Albondón - This likely comes from the Arabic "al-funduq" meaning "the inn" or "the storage house," though the exact etymology is less certain than the others.

  • Almegíjar - From Arabic "al-machsar" meaning "the pasture" or "the meadow." This fits with its location in the Alpujarra region where livestock farming was important.

  • Alquería - This is a very direct translation, from Arabic "al-qarya" meaning "the village" or "the farm." Alquerías were rural settlements that were common during the Muslim period, often centered around farming communities.

  • Alcaudique - From Arabic "al-qadiq" which likely refers to "the judge" or "the jurisdiction." This might indicate it was once an administrative center or home to a local Islamic judge (qadi).

  • Alcolea - From Arabic "al-qulaya" meaning "the little castle" or "the small fortress." This was a common name for settlements built around defensive structures.

  • Atalbeitar - This is interesting because it combines two elements: "atal" (or "at-" which is another form of the Arabic article "al-") and "beitar" (from Arabic "baytar" meaning veterinarian or horse doctor). So the full meaning is approximately "the veterinarian's place."

  • Lanjarón - From Arabic "al-lancharon" referring to the place of springs or water sources. This etymology makes perfect sense given Lanjarón's famous mineral waters and springs.

A Moorish castle in Lanjaron. There used to be many all throughout the Alpujarra, but most are so dilapidated that there is nothing left of them.

  • Órgiva - This name has evolved significantly over time. It appears to come from Arabic "al-urjuba" meaning "the blessed" or "the fortunate one," though some sources suggest Roman origins.

  • Mecina-Fondales - "Mecina" comes from Arabic "al-macin" meaning "the fortified place" or "the stronghold." "Fondales" likely comes from Latin "fundus" meaning "bottom" or "foundation."

  • Busquístar - From Arabic "abu squistar" which might mean "father of the border" or "place of the border," suggesting it marked some kind of territorial boundary in Moorish times.

  • Tíjola - From Arabic "Tachola," possibly meaning "crown" or "heights"

  • Soportújar - From Arabic "suq al-tujar" meaning "merchants' market"

  • Cáñar - May come from Latin "canna" (reed/cane) or Arabic "qanat" (water channel)

  • Ugíjar - From Arabic "uxixar" possibly meaning "between mountains" or "among mountains"

  • Juviles - From Arabic "jubayl" meaning "little mountain"

  • Yegen - From Arabic "yayin" meaning "lively" or "bustling"

  • Mecina-Bombarón - "Mecina" from Arabic "al-macin" (fortified place), "Bombarón" origin less certain

  • Bérchules - From Arabic "bergel" meaning "tower" or "high place"

  • Cádiar - From Arabic "qadar" possibly meaning "pottery" or "clay vessels"

  • Válor - Possibly from Arabic "balur" meaning "crystal" or "clear water"

Alpujarran villages with Roman or other origin

The Arabic names often relate to geographical features (Juviles, Ugíjar), economic activities (Soportújar), administrative centers (Alcaudique), or defensive structures (Mecina, Bérchules), which tells us a lot about how these settlements functioned during the Moorish period. The following names have Roman or possible earlier origins:

  • Pampaneira - This one actually has Latin roots, not Arabic. It's believed to come from "pampinus" meaning vine leaves or vine shoots. This makes sense given the historical cultivation of grapes in the area.

  • Bubión - Despite being in a heavily Moorish-influenced area, this name appears to have pre-Roman origins, possibly from an ancient Iberian language. Some sources suggest it might relate to an ancient word meaning "high place" or "elevated," which fits its location as one of the high villages.

  • Capileira - This comes from Latin "capitellaria" meaning "at the head" or "at the top," which is very appropriate as it's the highest of the three famous white villages in the Poqueira gorge (above Pampaneira and Bubión).

  • Pitres - This one is less certain, but it might come from Latin "petris" meaning "rocks" or "stones," though some argue for Arabic origins.

  • Rubite - Likely from Latin "rubus" meaning "bramble" or "blackberry bush"

  • Sorvilán - May come from Latin "super villam" meaning "above the village"

  • Haza del Lino - Spanish name meaning "plot of flax," referring to historical flax cultivation

  • Haza del Trigo - Spanish name meaning "plot of wheat"

  • Torvizcón - Possibly from Latin "turbiscus" referring to a type of plant used for fishing

  • Trevélez - Origins debated, possibly from Latin "tres valles" (three valleys)

  • Murtas - From Latin "myrtus" meaning "myrtle" (the plant)

Polopos, the village we live in has unclear origins, but possibly from a pre-Roman language. The locals believe it derives from the latin “populus” meaning either “poplar tree”, or “people”. I haven’t found any other example however of such an origin with a ‘p’ and an ‘l’ switching places. If there are any linguists reading along, who might be able to know more about this, please leave a comment!

Architecture of the Alpujarra

The villages of the Alpujarra are reminiscent of the Berber settlements in the Atlas mountains in Morocco. Learn about the architecture in the Alpujarra and the Moorish influences here.


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