Song for K.


It’s funny how songwriting can change with circumstances and decisions. I like all kinds of subjects, but I guess my main concern has always been the heartaches that looking for that special someone brought about. I have written some reflections on the way I look at life, especially the seemingly one tracked Western way of living, so obsessed with the here and now and so called progress that we often forget to actually enjoy all the wonders around us. I’ll post these songs also, but the following is the first song I wrote for my journey. It is called Song For K.. She stands for the people I will meet and will hopefully dread leaving behind.

I say goodbye
I’m leaving everybody behind and
I don’t look back
I’m keeping my eyes fixed on the track

Got to go on my way
No excuses
No delay
Please don’t worry
I’ll be alright
Thinking of you

Just one look
One single smile from you was all it took
To bring me home
Even while I’m wandering all alone

No matter where
No matter how far
You’ll be my guiding Northern star
The face in the mirror
The muse for my song
A place for this homeless one
To belong

I say goodbye
I’m leaving everybody behind and
I don’t look back
I’m keeping my eyes fixed on the track

No matter where
No matter how far
You’ll be my guiding Northern star
Please don’t worry
I’ll be alright
Dreaming of you


Wijnand Boon